I have heards from udders dat da cats rule and doggie's drool. Any trufe to dat? My bro Siamese Sammy tinks it be true. I tink it garbage. What be your take on dis o wise one? - perturbed poodle
Dear perturbed,
My dear friend, you have been misinformed, no doubt. Kitteh's are nice and I'll admit that I wouldn't mind having one of my own BUT they have their place. They belong in litter boxes/on counter tops/under chairs/outside/in cardboard boxes with a hole cut into the side so they can breath/
They in no way belong on the humans bed, in their laps, or at the dinner table anywhere near steak/hamburger/ or chickie bird. In short, my dear perturbed friend... DOGS RULE, KITTEH'S DROOL. Did this help?
Kindest Regards,